Friday, April 18, 2014

Last Thoughts on Barcelona

I found a whole new varoiety of Dink, the super dink.  Don't believe me?  Photos HERE.

If you haven't read the last and every other Italian travel postcard, the fact that there is a Korean scooter called a Dink is evidence that colloqial English is not yet ubiquitous; therefore globalization is not yet hegemonic.  So, each trip to Europe, I measure the progress of capitalist globalization by way of a count of the number of Dinks of various models that I can find.

It has been a while since I was able to find a Dink 50, let alone a Dink 150 or a Grand Dink (known to the cognicenti as the 'Big Dink'.

Today however, I came across a whole new kind of Dink: a Super Dink.

We can but hope that this signals a whole new resurgence of Dinkdom, and of popular resistance to globalization.

As well, it seems on close observation, that gin is quite popular here.

Finally, nobody told us that today was some kinda Christian holiday.  Parades with Jesus on a stick all about the place.  Bit annoying.  Had they but known we were here this weekend I am certain they would have put it off a few days so as not to interfere with our holiday.  Still, a good day if not a god day.

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