Monday, February 22, 2016

Impact! Americans in Havana in Good Numbers

A co-worker who has been going to Cuba almost as long and as often as Geri and I just got back and had a bit of a story to tell. Normally what they do is get the cheapest possible all-inclusive and then make their way into Havana and stay in a casa particular for at least half of their stay.

This time for the first time they couldn't book anything in advance. So they just jumped on a bus and made their way from Veradero to Havana where in the past just asking around near the bus station has gotten them a room.

This time no-go. Nada. Zip. Rien. Buptkiss (sp???).

The reason? Cruise ships in the harbour full of American tourists. Either there completely legally or many more who are relying on the new-found lack of enthusiasm for enforcement being evidenced by the US authorities. Apparently its common for passengers on the ships to book a room overnight when pulling into a scenic port and the Havana stop is no exception.

My co-worker's friends there say that it is a bit better at other times of the year but right now is the peak (a US school break perhaps?) and there isn't a CP room to be had anywhere in the city.

Back at their resort on the beach he and his family tried to get an overnight group tour into the city from Air Canada Vacations, Gaviota tours and a couple of other companies. Each had the same story: even though they would normally offer tours that combined walking about during the day, a show in the evening and then a room for the night, they couldn't because of the competition for hotel rooms. They had or had been forced to surrender their room bookings to the cruise ship crowd and were only offering one day in-out tours of the city, confirming what what happening on the CP front.

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