Sunday, October 1, 2017

Aix Postcard #4 (and the kindness of strangers)

Cassis was very pretty.  While still way, way more touristy than Aix (and I think more than Nice, though Geri disagrees).  We found a café right on the harbor for nibbles and beer.  Fabulous old place well-kept or restored.  See the photos of the bar and the brass beer taps.

See especially the photos of the pissoir.  A great tiled, spotlight wonderful spot outside the kitchen on the way to the toilet with swinging doors as in an American saloon.

We had two very long days there, taking the train to Marseille and changing for Cassis.  About 1.5 hours one day and a little over 2 another.

Lovely trains.  Annoying most built by Bombardier while the trains at home are uncomfortable noisey antiques in comparison, much as I love them.

Highlights of Cassis for us were a picnic on the beach, a beer in café overlooking the beach and using our camera. We also did a boat tour of the calanques, kinda like small fjords along the coast nearby.  Nice enough but our memories of Newfoundland and Labrador are still pretty fresh so there wasn’t any real wow factor there for us.

Speaking of which, Cassis did kinda make us think of tropical St. Pierre with a lot more tourism.  But underneath the cafes etc I am not certain it is much prettier.  Warmer, for sure though.  😊

Geri would highly recommend Cassis to anyone.  I’m not quite so enthused but on a sunny day…or week for that matter…I can see myself dividing my time between a few cafes, the beach and wandering the back streets (a very pleasant surprise).

Photos of Cassis and a few of Marseille and the trips to and from are HERE. 

The kindness of strangers. Geri in a bit of difficulty when we got to the stop for the bus to the Cassis rail station after our first day there. Another bus was at the stop and the driver I chatted with about the rail station bus schedule (45 minutes to wait) was on his break.  He watched me try to get a taxi. When either his departure time came up and he had no passengers or because he had enough time before his departure time (he wouldn't be specific) he urged us to get on his bus and took us straight to the station.  No charge he said because he couldn't charge for rides not on his route.  Nicer than nice.  Also kinda fun to be chauffeured around as the only passengers on a city bus.  😊

We try to check in at our bar, the PTT, at least every second day.  With about a week left here we are treated if not like regulars at least like regular tourists.  Didn’t take long for things to get back to the way they were we were last left here after a couple of weeks.  Last night we, after getting back from Cassis, paid our tab, drank up and made a move to leave when we were handed two drinks on the house and more nibbles in an effort to get us to stay.

I want to live here.

We are off to Budapest on Thursday.  Well, the Marseille airport Comfort Inn on Thursday.  Budapest early Friday morning via the Munich Lufthansa business class lounge.  😊

I am hoping to get in a day in Marseille if the weather, currently raining on and off, gets a bit better but if that doesn’t happen there will no news until Budapest.  Which I think is at UTC+7 (we’re at +6 now) so apologies for the increasingly disjointed Facebook and e-mail conversations.

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